f society is happy to announce the acquisition of the Platinum Distinction of the EcoVadis Corporate Social Responsibility platform.

Achieving the platinum distinction with a score of 83% places f society in the top 1% of organizations assessed by EcoVadis.

As defined by f society’s Social Responsibility Policy:

The basis of f society’s effective governance is the integration of the principles of social responsibility, decision-making, and implementation. f society has adopted as an umbrella the requirements of a Social Responsibility System according to the International Standard ISO 26000:2010. According to it, it satisfies the principles of accountability, transparency, ethical behavior and respect for the interests of the interested parties, respect for the rule of law, respect for international norms of conduct, and respect for human rights through its actions.

Also, according to the Environmental Management Policy, f society commits to the following:

F society’s continuous improvement of its Environmental Management System. This improvement is achieved based on compliance obligations, following the principles and requirements of the International Standard ISO 14001:2015. Specifically, it concerns taking preventive and corrective measures to prevent the degradation of the internal and external environment.

The award of the Platinum Distinction by EcoVadis seals f society’s efforts in its ongoing commitment to sustainability issues.

f society’s Platinum Distinction: Who is EcoVadis?

EcoVadis is the leading provider of corporate sustainability assessment through a cloud-based SaaS global sustainability platform. Through that platform, companies can put their performance in CSR evaluation. This evaluation depends on its policies, actions, and results. It also depends on the contributions of opinions of independent professionals and interested parties. Based on seven indicators and four themes, companies get an evaluation in terms of Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.

To date, EcoVadis has assessed more than 90,000 businesses in 160 countries. Doing so has mitigated risk for some of the world’s largest organizations. It has also positively impacted the environment, enhancing transparency and promoting innovation.